
Is Prime Minister Narendra Modi the caretaker of the rich?

India is under constant threat of slavery by multinational companies run by USUK elite. Rothschilds and rockofeller group of companies own lot of business in india and make money. india is looted by mncs in almost all sectors. these USUK elite own media, beverages, food business,packaged water, daily used things, energy sector, electronics almost in every field. the more indians buy, use mnc products the more indian elite gets weaker daybyday. so it’s natural that indian elite seek modi help by supporting modi in Winning elections etc.

At present modi is doing good work when compared to all previous PM s compared. he also did favor to poor by stopping leakages in distribution sector. modi helped indian elite by opening defence sector to private and allowing indian elite to make defence products ,he also supported indian elite by some policies so that indian elite will not die. it is important for india that indian elite never die cause once they die india can be easily enslaved as USUK elite own almost all our media except some, so they decide which government will come to power and convert all im just under 2decades by missionaries, owning all business from mineral reserves to agriculture and will enslave us. ..indian elite contain Tata, reliance, Mahindra, etc. ..godrej, bajaj, mittals, are traitors and they work for British since ages. remember British own business in india in almost every sector.

Look How Rich India’s Become Under New Prime Minister Modi

The “Modi Magic” continues in India. ┬аEver since last May’s election of new Prime Minister Narendra Modi, India has been┬аshowered with good fortune. Here’s one way to measure India’s new found flow of money: India’s foreign exchange reserves rose┬а$1.39 billion in the last week of March alone, putting the Reserve Bank of India's (RBI) rainy day fund at $341.37 billion. India is no longer far behind its other BRIC peers. Russia’s Central Bank has $360 billion.┬а┬аBrazil has $371 billion.

This is the second time in a two┬аweek period the reserves have risen as the RBI gets busy buying dollars from the open market to prevent the rupee from strengthening too much. Yes…strengthening. The rupee closed Friday at 62.09 to the┬аdollar. The Indian currency has gained 2% against the dollar this year, which is not easy. Russia’s currency, the ruble, has gained too but that is because it was sent to the slaughterhouse in December when it hit an all-time low of 70 to 1. The rupee has been as stable as the Chinese yuan, actually. Much of that is due to foreign investors buying┬аIndian stocks┬аand bonds.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi gestures as he speaks during the inauguration of a conference on Financial Inclusion in Mumbai on April 2, 2015. The conference was organised on the occasion of completion of 80 years of the Reserve Bank of India (Photo by Punit Paranjpe/AFP/Getty Images)

Everyone is bullish on Modi. That is making the government richer, and in turn making India richer as well.

U.S. businessman Ravin Gandhi, the CEO of household chemical goods company GMM Nonstick Coatings set up ┬аshop in India in 2011. He has a factory in Modi’s home state of Gujarat, one of the┬аmost developed and high tech states in the country.

“We chose Gujarat because of Modi. He ran the state when I came here. The only problem I have with infrastructure is during monsoon season, but Modi was very good working on public-private partnerships,” Gandhi says. “If we had to kick in money to help build a road to get goods out of my factory to the ports, we did it. We have 80 employees there and I’m hiring year after year,” he says, adding that the local market for his particular business has doubled in size over the last four years. Forget the RBI and big corporate bank accounts, growth at companies like GMM means┬аmore jobs, which means more Indians gainfully employed in this nation of 1.2 billion.

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