Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot took a dig at the BJP and the RSS on Tuesday, saying if needed, they would “adopt” former prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru just like Mahatma Gandhi and Sardar Patel.
Addressing a ceremony after unveiling a statue of Gandhi in Hanumangarh, Gehlot said maybe 10-20 years later, the BJP and the RSS would also “adopt” Nehru when it suits them.
“Now, the BJP and RSS have adopted Gandhi ji, they have adopted Sardar Patel and are adopting everybody,” Gehlot said. “Time will come when they will adopt Pandit Nehru.”
The chief minister said Gandhi was more relevant today because of the situation that had been created inside the country.
“It cannot be expressed in words. People are afraid to talk over the phone (call) and it is said that talk on FaceTime or WhatsApp,” Gehlot said.
Gehlot accused the Centre of misuse of investigative agencies to “bring down governments or take revenge”.
People of the country understands everything and will give a reply on an appropriate time, he added.
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