Union Minister for Finance and Corporate Affairs Nirmala Sitharaman on Friday said that opposition parties may have chosen a name for their alliance, but they are just a group of people with severe mutual contradictions who have the single-point agenda of abusing Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
The one thing that is common and for which they think the people of India will reward them is to constantly hate and use abusive language against the Prime Minister, she said.
“The opposition’s only agenda seems to be to oppose, criticise and abuse the Prime Minister. I don’t think the people of India want that kind of unity,” the Union minister added.
The opposition will be proved wrong if they have a one-point agenda of just abusing the Prime Minister as a vote seeking option, she said.
”In the last 10 years, the people of India have seen how the villages have improved, there is better connectivity, how basic facilities have reached the common citizens, how India is moving fast and every citizen wants to be a part of this empowering story. People of India want more from every party and not just abuses for the Prime Minister,” Sitharaman said.
The opposition alliance, comprising 26 parties, has been named as the Indian National Development Inclusive Alliance (I.N.D.I.A) and they will take on the ruling NDA in the Lok Sabha polls in 2024.
-With PTI Input.