Delhi Health Minister Saurabh Bhardwaj on Thursday made a surprise visit to the Institute of Human Behavior and Allied Sciences (IHBAS) and Guru Teg Bahadur (GTB) Hospital.
During his visit, Bhardwaj said “the Arvind Kejriwal-led Delhi government would soon gift a new hospital to the people of east Delhi, as the construction of the new GTB Hospital building is nearing completion.
He also interacted with patients at IHBAS, inquiring about their health and also examined the facilities.
The Health Minister directed the hospital administration to ensure affordable and quality healthcare to patients, giving priority to those with severe conditions.
During the inspection at IHBAS, Bhardwaj assessed various facilities, including emergency services (psychiatry and neurology), neuro-imaging services (CT scan), neurology ward, and ICU.
Additionally, the Health Minister took steps to address the issue of touts exploiting patients for money.
He also interacted with the people in the queue and those admitted to the hospital, and encouraged patients to report any attempts to deceive or financially exploit them, promising swift action against culprits.
Bhardwaj also highlighted the Delhi government’s commitment to supporting the institute’s development and reiterated that they would not tolerate any negligence in healthcare provision to the public.
In a move to improve convenience at IHBAS, Bhardwaj instructed the construction of a new OPD building within the hospital premises.
This measure aimed to cater to the increasing number of patients seeking treatment from various states, reducing waiting times and long queues at the OPD counters.
One individual, who had brought his brother from Bulandshahr, Uttar Pradesh, for psychiatric treatment, praised the arrangements at IHBAS.