West Bengal BJP president Dilip Ghosh on Saturday said it will ”gherao” block development offices in 10 districts on Monday in protest against the “corruption” of ruling Trinamool Congress in distribution of relief materials to those affected by cyclone Amphan.
Ghosh told reporters after a rally at Mahisadal in Purbo Medinipur that the Rs 1,000-crore alloted by Prime Minister Narendra Modi for Amphan relief did not make it to the needy.
“None other than the TMC supremo and Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee admitted there was corruption in distribution of relief materials. But, is mere admission enough?.
”Taking disciplinary action against the corrupt partymen will not change the condition of the poor cyclone-hit villagers as well,” he said.
Thousands of BJP activists will demonstrate outside BDO offices in 160 blocks and submit a deputation to them on Monday, he said.
Ghosh said the saffron party will also highlight the “rise in attack” on BJP activists “by the TMC and police”.
“Around 120 of our ”karyakatas”, including an MLA, was killed and our rallies are stopped by police and ruling party goons. In Kolkata, police and TMC activists did not let our democratic bike rally continue on Friday and they snatched the keys of 200 bikes,” he alleged.
Any move to thwart the October 5 rally will be met with resistance, Ghosh added.
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