Amid coronavirus-induced restrictions in Maharashtra, an NGO on Monday said it had been serving food in tribal and remote rural areas in several districts like Jalna, Osmanabad, Palghar, Raigad and Thane.
Association for Nutrition and Development Action (ANNADA) programme head Alvin D”Souza said it had collaborated with 11 ground partners for the initiative so that tribals, migrant labourers, rag-pickers, the differently-abled etc, who have been the worst hit by the outbreak and subsequent restrictions, can be benefited.
“We have created an array of food mixes designed to meet any community”s taste and cultural requirement, with ingredients sourced only from FSSAI certified vendors. We have distributed over one million meals in just over 10 days in May, and the aim is to expand it to three million by June- end,” he informed.
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