The West Bengal government on Friday named Binod Kumar as the new municipal commissioner of the Kolkata Municipal Corporation, a senior official said.
Kumar, who was the secretary of the state Minority Affairs and Madrasah Education (MA&ME) department with additional charges of Youth Services and Sports department, replaced Khalil Ahmed.
According to a notification issued Friday evening, Rajesh Sinha, secretary of the Tribal Development department, was given additional charges of the Youth Services and Sports department.
Shashank Sethi was made the new OSD to state chief secretary as project director of Asian Development Bank (ADB) project and ex-officio joint secretary of the Public Health Engineering (PHE) department, it said.
Mohammed Ghulam Ali Ansari, who was the secretary of the PHE department with additional charge of Commissioner of Burdwan Division, was moved to the MA&ME department. He, however, would remain as the Commissioner of the Burdwan division, it said.
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