
Community role key to sustained management of solid waste says Union Minister Hardeep Singh

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The key to sustain projects related to management of municipal solid waste is the behavioural change and citizen or community participation in Solid Waste Management (SWM), said Minister of State of Housing and Urban Affairs Hardeep Singh Puri here on Friday.

“A significant outlay has been allocated for SWM projects in the country over the years. If municipal SWM is done through proper planning and management, it would lead to a business case of income generation and provide financial support to Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) by generating revenue,” he added.

The minister said that in India, almost 88.4 megawatts (MW) of energy is generated from waste-to-energy (WTE) projects and the waste-to-compost production stands at 15.69 Lakhs metric tonnes.

He stated the ULBs should concentrate on managing the solid waste by skilled municipal staff, adequate training and capacity building, and called upon national training institutions to intensify their efforts towards effective planning and management of urban services, especially management of municipal solid waste.

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