India on Monday recorded over 24,248 new cases and 425 deaths in the last 24 hours, pushing the total tally to 6,97,413 with 19,693 deaths as it surpasses Russia to become the country with third-highest coronavirus cases.
According to data from the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, 4,24,432 people have recovered from the deadly disease and have been discharged from the hospital, while 2,53,287 are active cases.
The testing lab network in the country continues to expand. There are 786 government and 314 private labs. There has also been a steady rise in the samples tested every day. During the last 24 hours 1,80,596 samples have been tested.
With a spike of more than 6,555 cases in just one day, Maharashtra remained the worst hit state with cases reaching upto 2,06,619 and 8,822 casualties so far of which 151 occurred in the last 24 hours.
Followed by Maharashtra, the southern state of Tamil Nadu remained the second worst hit state in India with a total of 1,11,151 cases including 1,510 deaths.
The national capital witnessed a spike of 2,244 cases taking the tally to 99,444 and securing the third spot on the list of the worst hit states in the country. Delhi has 25,038 active cases; 3,067 deaths and 71,339 people have recovered.
States with more than 10,000 cases include Gujarat with 36,037 cases and 1,943 deaths, Uttar Pradesh (27,077), Rajasthan (20,164), Madhya Pradesh (14,930), West Bengal (22,126), Haryana (17,005), Karnataka (23,474), Andhra Pradesh (18,697), Telangana (23,902) and Bihar (11,876) cases.
On the global front, the overall number of global COVID-19 cases have increased to more than 11.4 million, while the deaths have soared to over 5,33,000, according to Johns Hopkins University.
The US accounted for the world”s highest number of infections and fatalities with 28,80,130 and 1,29,906, respectively, according to the CSSE.
Brazil came in the second place with 16,03,055 infections and 64,867 deaths, followed by India.
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