Lovely update comes from bollywood industry today, renowned Actors Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh to get married on November 14th and 15th. Further, Padukone recently took to her ‘social accounts’ and informed the wedding rumours with a grand invite making all of us swoon over the perfect invite. In short, Deepika and ranveer finally all set to marry.
Just Minutes after Deepika and Ranveer made the above annoucement, the news posts spread like wildfire on social media. #RanveerSingh, Deepika Padukone, #DeepVeer and #DeepVeerKiShaadi are some of the keywords that are already among top trends on Twitter.
— Deepika Padukone (@deepikapadukone) October 21, 2018
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Following the wedding card message, “With the blessings of our families, it gives us immense joy in sharing that our wedding is set to take place on the 14th and 15th November 2018.” “We thank you for all the love you have showered upon us over the years and seek your blessings as we embark on this incredible journey of love, loyalty, friendship and togetherness”.
Both of them, Deepika and actor Ranveer Singh, who made a joint appearance at the 16th Hindustan Times Leadership Summit, were asked to comment on the raging #MeToo movement in Bollywood. [maxbutton id=”7″ ]
Both of them, given three blockbuster films together – Ram-Leela, Bajirao Mastani and “Padmaavat” – all of them directed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali. Ranveer now has films like Simmba, ’83and Gully Boy in the line-up and Deepika, in her next film, plays acid attack survivor Laxmi Agarwal. The project will be directed by Meghna Gulzar. Ever since Ranveer Singh made his debut in the Indian film industry, the actor has never failed to impress movie buffs with his performances.
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According to several media reports, both fell in love during the shoot of their film Goliyon Ki Rasleela Ram Leela, which was directed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali. Later, they also appeared in Bajrao Mastani and Padmaavat together. Cupid struck during the making of Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Goliyon Ki Raasleela Ram-Leela (2013), and Ranveer and Deepika have been going strong ever since. In 2016, on Karan Johar’s chat show, Ranveer referred to Deepika as “marriage material”. Now Wishes have started pouring in for the couple from across the globe.