[avatar user=”trilokyd” size=”thumbnail” align=”left”]Trilok Singh, CEO: YD Media, IASmind, Seva A2Z (E-commerce).[/avatar]...
Viral Post
YD, Viral Post
Hours after 60 people were crushed to death by a train while watching the burning of a Ravana effigy here, the Railways on Saturday said it was not responsible...
Read Also, Amritsar train accident: Live Updates With at least 60 people crushed by a speeding train in Amritsar and over 70 others injured, senior political...
Amritsar train accident UPDATE: Following the recent report, The bodies of 39 people were identified today, a day after 59 people were killed and several...
Several people dead in Amritsar in north India as a train mows down a large crowd gathered near the tracks for Dussehra festival celebrations. Very sad visuals...