India Politics

Vision India-New India

On November 24, 2017, National Democratic Teachers Front organised an high level talks on “Vision India-New India” at faculty of social science, university of Delhi. Hosted Prof. Shri Prakash Singh, Prof. Sangit Ragi and faculty members at Department of Political Science, University of Delhi. Chief Guest: National General Secretary of BJP and Director of India Foundation, Shri Ram Madhav, BJP.

The PM, Shri Narendra Modi On Independence Day Speech, laid out his goal and vision of a New India” where the massive youth and professionals of our country become key stakeholders in building the India of the 21st century, achieving the goal of New India with the combination of ‘Clean India.’ (Within, 2022). Thus, it is very clear that for New India to be a developed Nation, it has to be powered by its most valuable resource: the bright, educated youth as well as scholars, Professionals and to build more think-tanks, to makes our exercise more efficient in order to ‘Vision India-New India’. Ram Madhav BJP, Added.

Significantly, Mahatma Gandhi saw it we have to look for comprehensive solutions. I perceive the lessons from Gandhi ji life as being three-fold: That the goal of the struggle for peace and democracy is for the good of all; not just the good of the Single community while it consist all. That one has to be prepared to make sacrifices to attain this. That political power in itself does not result in peace and democracy; we have to work and strive for peace and democracy, he added.

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However, Population has been growing at a huge pace in India. The fertility levels amongst Indian women are one of the highest in the world. Which in turn is high because of lower levels of literacy of women, child marriage, less age gap between two children, the poor health of the mother which is a result of living in impoverished conditions. So, it is a vicious circle, which has no end.. Everyone wants to get rid about the same.

“It’s not the man that makes the vision; it’s the vision that makes the man”, Mahatma Gandhi.

To impart state of art education and technical expertise to students and give necessary training to teachers to create self-reliant society for future. And to encourage students to participate in Indian and International activities in sports, literature etc. So that future generation becomes a ‘base’ for free and liberal society. To educate students in areas like Management, Finance, Human relations to inculcate philosophy of simple living and high thinking value of simple economic society and to sustain activities of Indian culture (viz. classical dance, music and fine arts) through establishing institutes like Mahagami, Naturopathy, etc.

Meanwhile, “In our current system of education, a young student does schooling until the age of 18, gets a Bachelor’s degree by 22, works in the industry for about three years to get basic understanding. After another five years of working, at around the age of 30, he/she becomes really productive and then spends the next 30-odd years working until retirement at the age of 60”. Added, Financial Express, Sanjay Vijayakumar.

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On November 24, 2017, National Democratic Teachers Front (NDTF) organised an high level intellectuals Politician or political Scientists talks on “Vision India-New India” at faculty of social science, university of Delhi. With the leadership of Prof. Shri Prakash Singh, Department of Political Science, University of Delhi. Chief Guest: National General Secretary of BJP and Director of India Foundation, Shri Ram Madhav. Importantly, Wonderful talks done by Prof. Shri Prakash Singh, he also playing a very significant role with regard to the concept of ‘Vision India-New India’ and the achieving dream of PM Shri Narendra Modi, ‘NEW INDIA’.

In order to health care indicators, generic medicines are available which is cheap and also available in Indian markets, if govt will provide better health facilities we can cure many diseases like as we did in the case of polio.. Increase the infra at hospitals, better regulation of government as well as private hospitals. Further, Increase training of Asha nurses at villages and small towns plus reap the capabilities of AYUSH medicines Plus the doctors who pass from medical institutes every year. Sign contract of min 2 yrs to serve at rural areas etc nd the mains thing is increase awareness by more spending on advertisements.

PM Shri Narendra Modi comes with very clear thinking, which is transformative in nature said, Ram Madhav, National General Secretary, BJP at Faculty of Social Science, University of Delhi. Strengthening the idea of ‘Vision India-New India’, transformative actions are required in the age of digital and advanced time. Remember, no transformation is painless but it is temporary pain, for a short time only. To achieving the goal of Developing to Developed Country; India Requires a Transformative change, demonetisation and GST is the main step towards the dream of, India as a developed Country.

However, Change the mindset of people is the primary goal of Shri Narendra Modi Government, added, Ram Madhav. Further, above are directly related to our women security, empowerment, self-respects. Furthermore, Women should be respected as women not as mother, sister and wife. Women should not be worshiped but she should get respect by everyone, Society at large.

With the same light government of India built more than 5 crores toilet rooms, which really creates a respect of women community at large scale with the slogan of ‘Clean India’ which is coined by PM Shri Narendra Modi. He said that, we attacks on the root cause of corruption and the combination of both. Gandhi Vision of India are also inspiring us to promote the ideology of ‘Vision India-New India’.

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Significantly, Mahatma Gandhi maintained that, to ensure sustainable human development which encourages self-reliant and self-content society. To promote activities related to community services, social welfare and also Indian heritage and culture. To inculcate the culture of non-violence and truthfulness through vipassana meditation, Gandhian Philosophy. To develop the culture of simple living and high thinking.

For Mahatma Gandhi, “You cannot have a good social system when you find yourself low in the scale of political rights, nor can you be fit to exercise political rights and privileges unless your social system is based on reason and justice. You cannot have a good economic system when your social arrangements are imperfect. If your religious ideas are low and grovelling, you cannot succeed in ensuring equal status for women, and the access to opportunities for all is the ultimate that would bring independence to the people of India.”

Meanwhile, Ram Madhav, Mobiles are now becomes a Democratic means today. Standup, startup, mudra bima yojana etc are the major initiative of BJP government. i.e., more than 7 crores people got loan through the mudra bima yojana. Also, Ram Madhav believes that, average of Indians is honest. So, such kind of yojana and the pro-active role of NGOs, Corporates now becomes a job creators and social media now becomes a democratic media where anyone can shares own vision or thoughts. The word Populism are artificial and some of elite intellectual community want to install the word populism in society at large.

He said that, PM Shri Narendra Modi comes with very clear concept or thinking, which is transformative in nature said, Ram Madhav, National General Secretary, BJP at Faculty of Social Science, University of Delhi. Strengthening the idea of ‘Vision India-New India’, transformative actions are required, he added.. We should be vigilant to the needs of the community and begin to lay the foundation for a more equitable society where everyone may have access to opportunities. The present unemployment and rising population situation needs to be seriously challenged and work opportunities created for all people, population at large.

Despite all of above, the Prime Minister’s vision of a New India build in the image of the internet age needs a different model. With the use of internet-based learning, we can make our young people productive by the age of 20 and to be able to work for perhaps 40 years. Imagine what the productivity gain of 10 years for 100 million youth can do for India — it will give us enough manpower to catapult straight ahead into the league of developed nations To ensure sustainable human development which encourages self-reliant and self-content society. To promote activities related to community services, social welfare and also Indian heritage and culture. To develop the culture of simple living and high thinking.


About the author

Trilok Singh

Founder and CEO: Youth Darpan,, Post A2Z Social Media Apps/Messenger/Web, Micro BlogIN (Microblogging Platform) and Seva A2Z (Shopping). Masters in Political Science, Kirori Mal College, Faculty of Social Science, University of Delhi, India. Masters in Journalism and Mass Communication (MJMC) from Galgotias University. Post Graduate Diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication from International School of Media and Entertainment Studies (ISOMES), News 24 Campus.
