Why IAS? And Why Are People Crazy About IAS?

Trilok Singh, I done my own Higher Education Portals and Journals and personally knew at least 700 aspirants. Every time I used to ask them “Why IAS?” the response in 99.5% cases was “Post and Power”. 2014 to on wards, I got to know several IAS officers personally and I asked them what they thought of IAS. Almost everyone responded saying, busy, political pressures, no personal life, challenges of getting a posting … but I am yet to hear from anyone saying I just love the post and power.

Further, This is a perfect illustration of how people in India choose careers. People just get fascinated by folklore, no one knows how these stories were created. The best way out is to understand from an IAS what IAS ? There might be challenges in the ability of a person to access professional and this is where Life Page can help. Life Page already has videos of IAS, IPS, IES and IFS officers. You can watch their videos to lean about what these professions actually are.

Roman Saini, I am still confused. Generally speaking, there were some pull factors towards the IAS and then some push factors from M.B.B.S. While, Akriti Mattu (Successful Ex-IAS Aspirant), SERVE YOUR NATION – It’s Payback time, PRESTIGE – Remain a cut above the rest, POWER, EXCELLENT PERKS AND SALARY – Enjoy the Lifestyle, JOB SECURITY – Kisi se darne ki zarorat nahi…

Why are people crazy about IAS?
IAS is a mythological figure for most Indians. They see one of their Avatars as District Magistrate giving orders to everyone and they wish to be like them. People are crazy about IAS because of several reasons. Some of these are myths and some are reality.

1. IAS officers are too powerful. They can change the society single handedly

2. IAS officers can’t be removed by anyone in India

3. IAS officers live in big bungalow like VIP

4. IAS officers have a large contingent of servants at house

5. IAS officers move in red-light vehicle which every police officer salute

6. IAS officers make the headlines of newspaper

8. IAS officers can make any amount of money by legal (or illegal) means

9. IAS officers can appoint anyone to government job and dismiss anyone from service

10. They are close to top people of the country like PM, CM and Ministers etc..

Sandip Desai, works at Government of India, Indian Civil Services offers most attractive-prestigious-respectful-challenging-satisfactory career and an opportunity to satisfy personal ambitions (like representing Indian at word forum/foreign tours, authority, power, achievement) as well as indulge in social welfare (by policy making and implementation). There is a deep sense of job security as a civil servant cannot be fired easily…

I love India.
I covet Administration.
I respect Service….Thank’s

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Youth Darpan

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