Message from the Director’s Desk,

NCRB was set-up in 1986 to function as a repository of information on crime and criminals so as to assist the investigators in linking crime to the perpetrators. It was set up based on the recommendations of the National Police Commission (1977-1981) and the MHA’s Task force (1985), by merging the Directorate of Coordination and Police Computer (DCPC), Inter State Criminals Data Branch of CBI, Central Finger Print Bureau of CBI, and Statistical Branch of BPR&D.

NCRB developed Crime Criminal Information System (CCIS) in the year 1995, Common Integrated Police Application (CIPA) in 2004, and finally Crime and Criminal Tracking Network & System (CCTNS) in 2009. The CCTNS connects approximately 15000 police stations and 6000 higher offices in the country.

National Digital Police Portal was launched on 21/08/2017, and it allows search for a criminal / suspect on a national data base apart from providing various services to citizens like filing of complaints online and seeking antecedent verification of tenants, domestic helps, drivers etc. (

In future, it is also proposed to connect Police, Courts, Prosecution, Prisons and Forensic Labs and Finger Print Bureaus into an Interoperable Criminal Justice System (ICJS) for facilitating data exchange and search between the various pillars of criminal justice system.

NCRB also compiles and publishes National Crime Statistics i.e. Crime in India, Accidental Deaths & Suicides and Prison Statistics. These publications serve as principal reference points by policy makers, police, criminologists, researchers and media both in India and abroad. The latest Crime in India Statistics 2016 has recently been published by this Bureau and was released by the Hon’ble Union Home Minister on 30.11.2017.

NCRB has been conferred with “Digital India Awards 2016-Silver Open Data Championship” from the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India in open data championship category with silver for uploading of Crime Statistics since 1953 on Govt. Portal.

NCRB has also floated various IT based Public Services like, Vahan Samanvay (online Motor Vehicle Matching), Talash ( matching of missing persons and dead bodies). The mobile applications for both Android and iOS are available on Bureau’s website. In addition, NCRB also maintains Counterfeit Currency Information and Management System (FICN) and Firearms Coordination System for lost and recovered firearms.

The Central Finger Print Bureau is a national repository of all fingerprints in the country and has more than one million ten digit finger prints data base of criminals (both convicted and arrested) and provides for search facility on FACTS (Fingerprint Analysis and Criminal Tracing System). It is proposed to upgrade to NAFIS in near future so that all States will be able to send/search finger prints/ fire queries directly online to NCRB.

NCRB also assists various States in capacity building in the area of Finger Prints, CCTNS, Network security and Digital Forensics through its training centers in Delhi and Kolkata. NCRB has conducted more than 2189 training programmes and trained approximately 61861 officers till date including 30314 Indian police officers (including 15925 in CCIS), 1519 foreign law enforcement officers at NCRB head quarter and 30028 officers at 4 Regional Police Computer Training Centres (RPCTC) at Hyderabad, Gandhi Nagar, Lucknow and Kolkata. In addition, more than 5 lakhs police personnel were trained in CCTNS role based training, with the help of system integrators.

The Bureau’s new complex at Mahipalpur was inaugurated by the Hon’ble Union Home Minister Shri Rajnath Singh on 08th September 2017.

NCRB has developed an ambitious future road map and action plan:

  1. To establish itself as a “Centre of Excellence” in Finger Print Science, Crime/ Criminal Intelligence & Information Technology for Central and State Police Forces.
  2. To develop a “National Crime Portal“. Apart from crime clock and dashboard, the National Crime Portal will list out the common areas of interest for citizens like – Nigerian Scams, Fake Indian Currency Notes, Drugs and Narcotics, Cyber Crime, Vehicle Stealing Modus Operandi, Crypto-currency frauds like Bitcoin, Crime Trends, and Advisories etc.
  3. To undertake “crime victimization surveys” in all States/UTs & Metro cities from 2018 onwards
  4. To develop models for “Crime Data Analytics” for predictive Policing and Strategic Planning.
  5. Development of Mobile Applications for citizen and police for complaint registration and verifications on CCTNS platform.
  6. Monitoring agency for implementation of ICJS
  7. To sign MoUs with other countries for exchange of criminal records/data & National and International Universities for research and faculty exchange programme.
  8. The Bureau also plans to publish – Anti-Human Trafficking Report (Annual) and Quarterly Crime Trends from 2018 onwards. In future ‘Crime in India’ will also be published from CCTNS database.

The Bureau looks forward to fostering of partnership with universities, researchers, NGOs and public.

Suggestions, if any, are welcome at

(Dr. Ish Kumar, IPS)


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