VEERE DI WEDDING is a high spirited and upbeat coming of age story revolving around the lives of four childhood friends Kalindi (Kareena Kapoor), Avni (Sonam...
The geography is different but the context is the same. The official trailer of Kaala shows Rajinikanth’s character beseeching the people of the Dharavi...
Actress Zareen Khan has stepped in to host “MTV Troll Police” in the absence of host Rannvijay Singha. At the moment, Rannvijay is busy with “Roadies Xtreme”...
Sridevi, who was known only by a single name, described as the ‘first female superstar’ in the country’s-male dominated Bollywood industry...
Bollywood Superstar ‘Sridevi’ dies at 54 of heart attack #RIP Sridevi was very talented actress and we are shocked, very disturbed today...