
Male Impotence Causes Sexual Problems in a Couple

It is not enough if the participation of the partner is limited only for hearing the interpretations of the replies by a doctor. Filtering information and questions through the patient to the woman can actually lead to misunderstanding and unhappiness. The own concerns of women and questions must be addressed. Unlike various areas of medicine where only the patient is treated, with erection issues both members of the couple are to be considered.

Sometimes a woman raises the myths of men as being highly sexual and always ready, they see the erection as an emotional lie detector. A woman might view an erection just as a proof where a man might love or desires her. Hence, she believes the absence of an erection means he does not care or does not find her attractive at all.

A potency issue can spiral into many communication breakdowns in a short time. A typical scenario might go like this, where a man might experience erection issues, feeling ashamed, embarrassed, and less of a man. He might withdraw from his partner. Along with the lack of ability for performing, it is not uncommon for men to have a marked drop in their desire or libido rate. After all, why put yourself in a position where one might not be able to perform?

Over time, a man might go so far as to refuse to kiss her, hug her, even to hold hands. He might start arguments for avoiding sexual encounters. As he does not understand that he has a health issue, not a character defect, he might refuse to discuss the condition with anyone including his partner, his doctor, and a friend. Meanwhile, the partner is feeling rejected, neglected, and full of self-doubt. She might question her own attractiveness. She might also wonder if her husband still cares for her. She may have started thinking that he is having an affair.

What Causes Penile Erection?

During an erection process blood fills two chambers in the penile and is trapped there. The erection starts when the arteries open up as the smooth muscles of the vessel walls are relaxed. The veins that might drain the blood then close down and prevent blood from leaking out. Man must have an adequate pressure of blood for carrying it into the penis region, and this can have no leaks in the veins of the penile region, which shall allow the blood to escape.

Nerves are the control mechanism that coordinates the enhancement in pressure of the penile as well as the closing down of the veins. A man needs sufficient levels of testosterone for having the desire, feel aroused, and for getting a stiffer penile erection.

Any physical or emotional factor that affects arteries, veins, nerves, or hormones of man can impact his penile erection. A man must allow himself for relaxing in order for the blood vessels of the penile to relax so that he can get and maintain a stiffer penile erection.

Roger F Brown is a writer with complete knowledge of impotence issue in man. His writings provide a great knowledge of man’s sexual health. He suggests a solution called Fildena 25 as an effective impotence treating solution.

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